Promotion Objectives
for the beauty saloon promotion.
Her idea was to reach customers on a personal basis rather than the fliers
distribution in the parking areas.
At the end of the contest, the other team emerged with more than $ 300 dollar
as income for the day.
Both ideas address the awareness stage of the target customers.The question is,
which is more effective in terms of numbers of these customers gaining the knowledge
about the beauty saloon. Awareness alone does not make sales.
Yes, the beauty saloon exists. So what?
The promotion should be able to inform the target customers what it can
offer that may be different from other existing saloons in the area.
Since it has still to prove its difference, the only thing it can
offer for attraction is special prices or discounted prices. Low pricing
may connote low quality service but special prices allow the customers
to take advantage of the offer.
The liking, the preference and the decision for repeat visits will be
determined by the trial. Practically,the service in the opening is a
promotion itself for building loyalty among the customers.
business,financial statements ,balance sheet ,statement
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