Hi my name is Cathy.This is my blog about business. What's my credentials for writing business articles?
I worked in an auditing firm even before I earned my bachelor's degree in business. Very interesting job which made me some sort of a CSI. I looked for clues and investigated how crimes of fraud were committed. Ask me if I caught some. Of course.
Right after getting my license as a Certified Public Accountant, I was hired by an expanding sole proprietorship business to take charge of the incorporation of the veterinary drugs retail business and organization of its Accounting department. I then assumed the position of the Contoller. Big title for a fresh gradute with only
a few years experience.
The responsibility was too stressful and demanding for me, being young at early twenties. Emotionally, my EQ was still several notches lower than what ideally, a manager should possess. When I was made to handle the importation of veterinary drugs in bulk and repacking them in small quantities, that was the time, I realized that my work was not only crunching numbers but also product development/management specifically in designing the packing materials with strength, quality and cost as primary considerations in the final choice among the alternatives, I have to research and to present to the Marketing Department which are peopled by a couple of doctors of veterinary. The only consolation, I got from these dudes are the big burgers and fried chicken that they bring to fast track their commissions at the end of the month. :)
No regrets, that was where I learned how to deal with first time exporters abroad who did not know the documentations that I had to befriend some banking people esp. guys to give me the procedures over a couple of drinks of Margarita for me and them, some wines with a nickname Johnny. If you do not call that life? what is? Business mixed with pleasure. arghh
That was also where, I learned the customs procedures of releasing the goods from the bonded warehouse where my learning curve was short to have the products delivered in our warehouse a day or two after it had arrived. Talking about vaccines and meeting up with custom brokers.
But having the responsibility of managing a department does not only entail skills and the academic qualifications. It also needs the leadeship/managerial skills. So I pursued my Masteral degree.
With our mentors as advisers, four classmates and moi put up a business consultancy with an engineer, economist, finance person, human resources guy as associates.
Blame it on office romance, I woke up one morning with only one active partner. The economist migrated to the US, the other partners had marital problems.
So with our dayjob as our bread and butter and academe as moonlighting arena, my remaining partner and I persevered and had gotten big projects. Then I lost my
partner when he was hired to become the Vice-President of one company for which
we prepared the business plan.
No, I did not work full time there. I only served in the capacity of being a consultant. I went solo with my mentor as my referrer and then academic life beckoned.
I came to the States half-heartedly with a working visa.You bet, I helped put up two businesses where in one, i was an industrial and an investing partner at the same time.Backward integration. The company where I worked with was having diffculty recruiting manpower. Like the problem that we faced in the Philippines where we resorted to piracy (Pirating skilled manpower to shorten training was not a good idea of resolving the issue of lack of manpower. It results to price wars to lure the people back and back), this time, I opted for a training school and then later put up a similar business. Heh.
Don't ask me how it is. It did fine with gross income totalling to almost a million in its first year of operation until some envious persons who would like to take over the business (which they did not believe will take off) colored their eyes green. We needed additional working capital badly. These were bad signs.
I had to get out. So I did. So I blogged as a Ca t. Enjoying...
(This blog may not get as much traffic as my NOW WHAT, CAT ? but i just
don't care).
1. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Major in Accounting
2. Masters in Business Administration
3. Doctorate in Business Admininstration (dissertation finalization)
4. Phd in Economics (dissertation finalization)
5. Certified Public Accountant (Philippines)
6. Certified Tax Professional (USA)
failed in home economics.